
Broken and Beautiful Pre-order Store

Created by Left Justified Studio

Broken and Beautiful is an elegant set collection game with a unique scoring mechanic for breakage and repair. This pre-order store allows you to purchase the Standard and Deluxe Editions of the game before their general commercial release. It also gives access to limited-edition add-ons and special pricing on other Left Justified Studio & Prolific Games products. Welcome!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thank You, Backers!
almost 3 years ago – Sun, May 22, 2022 at 01:55:22 AM


  • 🎉🎉🎉
  • The game goes to press now; we'll be in touch roughly monthly
  • Video: Patrick Rauland on the game's most exciting moments


The campaign’s just ended. Thank you, backers, for helping us make Broken and Beautiful a reality!

Next Steps

The next steps are simple: The game goes to press.

Up through fulfillment, you can expect us to be in touch roughly monthly. More often if there are interesting or important developments, and perhaps a bit less frequently during the long, boring stretches, like when our games are in transit.

Patrick Rauland — Exciting Moments of Gameplay

In the next interview segment, Patrick talks about what makes a particular game of Broken and Beautiful memorable for him.


Questions? Comments? Concerns? You can always reach us by email ([email protected]) or Kickstarter message. Never hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can do for you.

First Player Marker Upgrade 2 Unlocked; Next Goal; Golf Mode
almost 3 years ago – Thu, May 19, 2022 at 10:25:35 PM


  • The teapot coin first player marker is unlocked!
  • Next stretch goal at 7,750 Gold
  • Broken and Beautiful Golf
  • Video: Patrick Rauland on curating game night

Metal Teapot Coin: Unlocked!

Thank you, backers — the metal teapot first player coin has been unlocked! It’s an expensive addition so the Gold cost was high, but we’re extremely happy to include it along with every backer’s Standard Edition and Deluxe Edition games.

Campaign Coins will sculpt and produce this coin for us. Anyone familiar with the quality of their work should be thrilled. Their team sent us preproduction art and we’re excited to share it.

Usually these images show a simple elevation map, and that’s true here for the patterned fill region inside the handle. But the teapot itself will be more gradually sculpted, which is why you see the “3D” annotation.

Our past experience with Campaign Coins has been fantastic — check out the coins they did for our Band or Album products — so we’re extremely excited to work with them again.

Next Stretch Goal: Spot UV & Foil Stamping

There are no more decisions to be made between different possible stretch goals, so the campaign is now on a mission to generate 7,750 more Gold before it ends tomorrow night. If we do, we’ll add spot UV to the Standard Edition box and foil stamping to the Deluxe Edition box.

Golf Mode

While playing Broken and Beautiful at Sovranti game night, a player spitballed the idea of playing Broken and Beautiful Golf — that is, to play for the lowest score rather than the highest score

The only change we needed was to prevent players from simply selling everything they drafted. We solved this by making end-of-game gold in golf mode score positive points the same way bowls do: 1 point for one gold, 4 points for two gold, 9 points for three gold, and so on.

We tried it and it was a ton of fun, especially to mix in for experienced players who’ve played a number of regular games in a session already.

So gather you group, jump on Sovranti, and give it a try! Every game played contributes Gold to our stretch goals, so why not tonight before the campaign ends?

Patrick Rauland on Curating Game Night

In the fourth video in our series, Patrick talks about the kinds of board games he loves the most, and how he curates his game nights.


Questions? Comments? Concerns? You can always reach us by email ([email protected]) or Kickstarter message. Never hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can do for you.

Sovranti Game Night Tonight; Stretch Goal Update
almost 3 years ago – Tue, May 17, 2022 at 08:54:49 PM


  •  Broken and Beautiful is featured on Sovranti tonight — join us!
  • The fourth stretch goal — we’re close!
  • Designer interview video #3

It's Broken and Beautiful Night on Sovranti

Tonight we’re the feature game at Sovranti’s weekly game night. Join us from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, Central US time. Remember: every game played on the platform helps unlock stretch goals!

Stretch Goal Update

Voting has been running two-to-one in favor of the upgraded first player token. But we’re still about 3,000 gold short of the 18,000 we need to unlock it. Please spread the word — the campaign ends Friday!

Campaign Coins will sculpt and manufacture this teapot-shaped coin, which — at 40mm tall and 3mm thick — will be roughly the size of a casino poker chip. Finished with an antiqued bronze color, it will be a remarkable statement piece for your game… as long as we manage to unlock it!

Patrick Rauland — Hopes and Dreams

In this installment of our designer interview series, Patrick talks about his hopes and dreams for Broken and Beautiful.


Questions? Comments? Concerns? You can always reach us by email ([email protected]) or Kickstarter message. Never hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can do for you.

First Player Marker Upgraded, Fourth Stretch Goal Vote Underway
almost 3 years ago – Wed, May 04, 2022 at 10:28:04 PM


  • Backers voted for a first-player marker upgrade
  • The fourth vote is underway now!
  • Sovranti game night featuring Broken and Beautiful on May 17th
  • Game designer Patrick Rauland on drafting games

Stretch Goal 2 Voting Results

Backers chose to use 6,500 Gold from the campaign’s ledger to upgrade Broken and Beautiful’s first player markers. The Standard Edition will now have a screen-printed wooden disc and the Deluxe Edition will have a metal disc.

Next Stretch Goal Options

For the campaign’s fourth stretch goal, two options are possible. As always, each one upgrades both editions:

Second Upgrade for the First Player Marker

  • Upgrade both the Standard Edition and the Deluxe Edition to have a sculpted metal teapot coin. (However, be aware that even though Standard Edition Kickstarter backers will receive this upgrade, this is such an expensive, premium piece that we can’t afford to make it an upgrade for all retail versions to be sold in the coming years.)

Upgrade the Box

  • Add spot UV to the box
  • Add foil stamping to the box

Cast your vote!

Voting will remain open until new backers, new dollars, new follows, and new challenges get close to unlocking the leading choice. This lets new backers give input as they join.

If you want to help increase the amount of Gold that accumulates, you can do any and all of the things list below, today!

Scoring Pads Stretch Goals?

A few players have suggested adding a score pad or dry-erase score sheet to one or both editions of Broken and Beautiful. Through the testing process, most groups seemed happy  to calculate scores in their heads, but we're also wide open to the idea. What's your level of interest in a score pad or dry-erase sheet as stretch goals or add-ons? Let us know in the comments!

Sovranti Game Night: May 17th

Broken and Beautiful will be featured on Sovranti’s Tuesday board game night during their May Kickstarter month. Join us on May 17th from 6–8:00 PM Central US time!

Patrick Rauland on Drafting Games

In this installment of our designer interview series, Patrick talks about the reasons he likes draft mechanics in tabletop games.


Questions? Comments? Concerns? You can always reach us by email ([email protected]) or Kickstarter message. Never hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can do for you.

Resource Markers Upgraded Again! • Play on Sovranti Tonight • Third Stretch Goal Vote Underway
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 08:48:25 PM


  • Backers voted for a second resource token upgrade
  • The third vote is underway now!
  • Play on Sovranti with Jeff tonight

Stretch Goal 2 Voting Results

Backers chose to use 16,000 Gold from the campaign’s ledger to upgrade Broken and Beautiful’s resource markers again. The Standard Edition will now have wooden ingots, and the Deluxe Edition will have metal ingots. 

The metal ingots are the components that most previewers received with their advance editions, and the response to the feel of these items has been fantastic. Good choice, backers!

Next Stretch Goal Options

For the campaign’s second stretch goal, two options are possible. As always, each one upgrades both editions:

Upgrade the First Player Marker

  • Upgrade the Standard Edition from a plain wooden disc to a screen printed disc
  • Upgrade the Deluxe Edition from a plain wooden disc to a metal disc

Upgrade the Box

  • Add spot UV to the box
  • Add foil stamping to the box

Cast your vote!

Since the Gold level in the Gold Ledger was depleted most of the way with the last stretch goal choice, balloting for this stretch goal will remain open longer than previous votes while Gold accumulates again. This will have the extra benefit of letting new backers give input as they join.

We’ll wind down voting on this stretch goal either when things start to get boring, or when the amount of funding accrued in the Ledger approaches the cost of one of the two options.

Sovranti Play Gathering Tonight

We’ll be on Sovranti tonight (Saturday, April 23) playing Broken and Beautiful with everyone who drops by. It’s a great chance to try the game and run up the Gold Ledger challenge for games played on the platform. Drop in and wish Jeff a happy birthday!

If you’re having trouble finding us on the platform, drop in the Sovranti Discord. We’ll be in the #left-justified-studio channel to help set up games.


Questions? Comments? Concerns? You can always reach us by email ([email protected]) or Kickstarter message. Never hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can do for you.